Q: Where can I download the Dragon Mod?
A: Mods will be released on this website, as of right now The Dragon Mod can be downloaded in the Download section.
Q: When will The Dragon Mod be released?
A: Already released, Download now using the download links in the Download Tab!
Q: How do I install the mod?
A: There is a tutorial that Forte posted on his channel. Refer to it if you have any problems.
Q: Will if the Fifteen replaced Zero... Does Zero replace the Dragon?
A: That would've been the ideal solution, but due to the design of the game we decided to choose an alternative path. What will that be? That's a secret.
Q: Will there be Custom Music?
A: Change of plan, Yes, but only a couple of songs have been changed.
Q: How do you Mod Katana Zero?
A: I Mod Katana Zero using a program created for Modding Undertale, this is called UndertaleModTool. It's simple however very very limited, this makes it difficult but it's our only option right now.
A2: I use C# for upcoming mods, stay tuned!
Q: Will you update the Dragon Mod?
A: When the DLC is released by the developer I will definitely update the mod to work with the DLC and hopefully provide new exciting Fifteen Gameplay. Also, I am planning to create new mods with the new content we receive in the DLC.